Kind of a sneak preview of book 2…

With extra time during my stay-cation this week, I worked a ton on my book cover for Mist & Shadow’s sequel, which will be called [REDACTED].

While I’m still working on the draft for [REDACTED], I thought it would be fun to tease the cover!

Behold! it’s an F!

Still working on it. But, I got the letters designed and drawn up, and the illustration down, so there are just a few things left to do to make it look AweSoME.

While I have no official publish date at this time, I’m hoping to release it [*inserts vague comment about sometime next year, then runs away screaming from the crushing weight of responsibilities*].

What I CAN say is that [REDACTED] will take place a few months after the events of Mist & Shadow. This gives the tricky situation at the end of the first book time a chance to get even trickier (ooooo) and for some fun senior year things to happen!

Stay tuned…


Book 2 Cover Reveal


How I used real dialogue in my novel