Paperback Party

My author copies I ordered have arrived, and they are beautiful!

Just bask in the paperback-iness, guest starring my hand:


It was strange to finally hold words I’ve been staring at on a screen for the past five years in my hand, and I even might have teared up a little. Also, I was so happy to see the cover I designed turn out so beautifully in print! (I’ll have to do a blog post on that process. It was a TON of work. But worth it).

I’ve given out a few copies to family and friends and it was also awesome to be able to sign my pen name and make the story real for them as well. Ah! Thousands of hours of work are now put together in one book.

The shiny-ness that its the paperback is now available to pre-order through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It goes live on Sept. 15, 2021!

If you’d like a sneak preview of Mist & Shadow, just sign up through the email form and download the first five chapters in advance!


Mist & Shadow Chapter 1


It’s Happening!!!